Herbert I Ellis
Herbert I Ellis
107 Smith St
Brooklyn NY 11231
Phone: (800) 218-4658
Fax: (732) 577-0100
At the Law Offices of Herbert I. Ellis, P.C., we know that when someone hires an attorney, they are putting their trust and their future in the hands of a legal advocate. We return that trust by providing clients with personalized and courteous service that meets their individual needs. When we say that we treat clients like family, we mean that our clients are able to contact us at any time and that their needs and questions will always be addressed in a timely, respectful manner.
Whether your case is resolved at trial or before it reaches the courtroom, our experienced, confidential legal service can help you protect your rights and look after your best interests. Contact us to learn more about our legal service and to speak with a lawyer about your specific situation.
At our firm, attorney Herbert I. Ellis has been licensed to practice law in the states of New Jersey and New York since 1988 and has handled countless numbers of personal injury and criminal law cases in more than two decades of legal service. He is currently a member of the Monmouth County Bar Association, the New York State Bar Association and the Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
Although we have many years of experience and have attained successful results in the past, we never rest on our laurels and remain committed to each new client that walks through our door. We take the time to treat people well and work towards our goal of having a happy and satisfied client at the end of each case.
© 2010 by Law Offices of Herbert I. Ellis, P.C. All rights reserved.
