Jay H Schwitzman
Jay H Schwitzman
26 Court St Ste 1406
Brooklyn NY 11242
Phone: (718) 797-1000
Fax: (718) 643-0025
JAY SCHWITZMAN knows how to defend your rights to help you achieve the most favorable outcome possible for your case. Jay has the right combination of aggressiveness, innovative strategies, experience and skill that lets him achieve the “impossible.â€
JAY SCHWITZMAN knows that being accused of a criminal offense can be a trying experience filled with stress and anxiety for the accused and his or her family. Jay is committed to the presumption of innocence and will fight to defend your rights. From serious crimes such as murder to lesser offenses such as criminal trespassing, JAY SCHWITZMAN has the breadth of experience and legal know-how to help each person obtain the most favorable results possible for their case.
If you or a loved one has been accused of a crime, you need a skilled and proven criminal defense attorney on your side. Please contact JAY SCHWITZMAN for a complimentary case evaluation with an expert criminal defense attorney who has extensive experience defending people charged with crimes. He may be able to intervene before charges are even filed. However, if the charges have already been filed, Jay will try to minimize or eliminate the penalties you face. Contact Jay now.
